
1.-What is something about yourself that nobody would know?

I’m actually an Ancient Roman and Medieval Times fanatic. When I was younger I wanted to be an archaeologist and study Ancient Roman history, go on digs, find amazing artifacts, and eventually become a curator in a museum. I have always been so fascinated with those times.

2.-What is your favorite thing to do off-set with your co-stars on ‘Liv & Maddie’?

Honestly, we hang out almost every day so finding one favorite thing would be difficult. I would probably say all of the sports we play together. We are constantly playing soccer, football, tennis, baseball, hiking, etc… and staying as active as we can. Then we’ll cool off by playing some FIFA or Rocket League.

3.-What has been one of the funniest moments you remember with your co-stars on ‘Liv & Maddie’?

While rehearsing for Choose-A-Rooney we had to make up a turkey dance for the wedding scenes. Kali put the most thought into it, and the rest of us started to help her make one up. While we shoot, there’s actually no music playing in the background so we all just laughed at how crazy we felt, shaking our tail feathers ant having a hilariously great time.

4.-What lessons have you learned working on the show ‘Liv & Maddie’?

Lesson 1: Unless you want constant laughter between takes, don’t put me, Joey and Kali in a scene together.

Lesson 2: Never give Joey a ball around lights. 

Lesson 3: Tenzing will beat you at soccer. Every time.

5.-What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?

Choosing my career path was the most difficult decision I’ve ever made. Acting isn’t easy, the market is difficult to break into. It takes hard work, it’s not something you can  just fall upon. 

6.-Tell us an embarrassing story you are ready to share with the world

Once on a first date, I took my date to a restaurant and we had to park in a parking garage. As we were leaving I realized I had forgotten which garage I parked in. We walked aimlessly through two structures finally finding my car in the second garage. I have yet to ever misplace my car again. 

7.-What has it been like working with the lovely Dove Cameron?

Dove is such a pleasure to work with. Joining a show in its third season can be hard, but she really made it easy to be the new kid on the block. She’s crazy talented and basically America’s Sweetheart, but that title belongs to Joey Bragg, obviously.

8.-Anything you can tell us about ‘Liv & Maddie’ Season 4?

Only thing I can really say is that it’s going to be a lot of fun!

9.-What has it been like being a part of the Disney Channel family?

It’s been amazing! Especially being a part of ‘Liv and Maddie’, everyone on set is so close it makes the family-like atmosphere that much stronger! It has been one of my favorite sets to ever be on, and I’ve made lifelong friendships.

10.-What has been your favorite ‘Liv & Maddie’ episode so far?

This episode coming up, Skyvolt-a-Rooney is definitely one of my favorites! It really gives everyone an up close look into an episode of ‘Voltage’. Dove and I got to be completely absorbed into that world and it was a cool chance to be a couple of action heroes.

11.-What is the best advice you’ve been given and from whom?

One of my coaches in high school used to always say, “You have to jump in with two feet, you can’t just dip your toe in and realize the water’s cold.” I’ve used that mind set with every choice I’ve made since I heard it. But another piece of great advice is from my dad. He would tell me, “Like a duck on a pond, just let the water roll off your back.” Which means you can’t let the little things bother you, there’s nothing in this world that you can’t overcome.

12.-What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?

Right now, I would say finding friends that I can be myself around. I know these friendships are going to last for my whole life. 

The Gossip Hot List Question:

What would you like to leave behind to younger generations?

I hope to leave behind an example of being a genuinely good person. Being an honest, non-judging, human being who can be that person without anything fake shadowing over their words.

Fan Q’s

We chose 3 questions that fans wrote to Lucas on Twitter and here are the answers:

1.- lily_loves_1direction #GHLAskLucas what is your favorite TV Show/movie you’ve worked on? @gossiphotlist

Liv and Maddie is absolutely my favorite! I’ve loved almost every set I’ve ever been on but this one is the one I always  felt as if we were family!

2.- sports_for_life2005 #GHLAskLucas when you started palying josh, did u have any problems or something that you struggled with at first??

Volume is always a big thing, as a Texan, we a lot of times run our words together a bit and I even have the occasional mumble so the boom microphones don’t catch it clearly. Plus, Josh has no chill zone, he is at a high energy all the time, that’s just his personality, which is one of the reasons I love playing him, but sometimes it’s hard to keep my energy at that high level the whole time.

3.-multifandomprobs  What was your first reaction when you were cast as Josh? @gossiphotlist #GHLAskLucas

Excitement, but also nervousness. I was so nervous about doing a good job, I binged watched every episode that had aired at the time.